Perth Amboy Artist Registry
What is the Perth Amboy Artist Registry?
• A portal for listing and showcasing visual, literary, performing, and multi-disciplinary artists from Perth Amboy and throughout.
• A portfolio site for artists and art organizations to expand their audience and to promote their work.
• A place to connect with artists, curators, arts venues, individuals seeking to commission work, community organizations, and businesses art lovers everywhere.
Who Can Register?
The Perth Amboy Artist Registry is open to all artists, arts organizations and venues.
Benefits of Joining:
• You’ll be listed in our Directory of Artists and have your personal artist profile page on our website
• Registered artists will be featured in our Spotlight under the City of Perth Amboy’s website
• Be featured on a rotating basis in our quarterly newsletter
• Be featured Perth Amboy Arts’s social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
• Get priority access to sell their artwork in our pop up locations, the Art of Giving Art.
Fee to Join?
There is no initial or annual fee. It is free to join.
Ready to join? Get started below!
Our impact this year has changed our community!
Contributed in scholarships to public housing & section 8 participants.
Annually contributes to fund self-sufficiency, housing counseling, and financial literacy education.
In escrow funds. In 2022, we had 83 FSS program participants and graduated 7.