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2024- Bike Day by the Bay

Come enjoy this FREE event for all Gateway & Perth Amboy residents where they can come and have a fun and educational experience on the importance of bike safety and the rules of the road when riding a bicycle on the streets. This event is open to all ages and abilities.

* BIKE DAY BY THE BAY had two scheduled activities:

(1) Bike Safety Course: A bicycle skills activity set to provide an opportunity for beginner bicyclists to practice and develop skills that will help them to become better bicyclists and avoid typical crashes. This activity is targeted for ages and abilities in kindergarten through 6th grade from 11 AM-12 PM

(2) Community Ride: A fixed route through the City of Perth Amboy led by the Perth Amboy Police Department. This activity is targeted for ages in 7th grade and up and intermediate riders from 12 PM - 1 PM.

Venga a disfrutar de este evento GRATIS para todos los residentes de Gateway y Perth Amboy donde pueden venir y tener una experiencia divertida y educativa sobre la importancia de la seguridad en bicicleta y las reglas de la carretera cuando se conduce una bicicleta en las calles. Este evento está abierto a todas las edades y habilidades.

* El DÍA DE LA BICICLETA EN LA BAHÍA tenía programadas dos actividades:

(1) Curso de seguridad en bicicleta: Una actividad de habilidades en bicicleta establecida para proporcionar una oportunidad para que los ciclistas principiantes practiquen y desarrollen habilidades que les ayudarán a convertirse en mejores ciclistas y evitar accidentes típicos. Esta actividad está dirigida a las edades y habilidades desde el jardín de infancia hasta el 6º grado de 11 AM-12 PM

(2) Community Ride: Una ruta fija a través de la ciudad de Perth Amboy dirigido por el Departamento de Policía de Perth Amboy. Esta actividad está dirigida a las edades de 7 º grado en adelante y los jinetes intermedios de 12 PM - 1 PM.

Our impact this year has changed our community!

  • Contributed in scholarships to public housing & section 8 participants.


  • Annually contributes to fund self-sufficiency, housing counseling, and financial literacy education.


  • In escrow funds. In 2022, we had 83 FSS program participants and graduated 7.
