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Keeping Our Seniors Healthy in 2024- Medical Screenings

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
11:00 am1:00 pm

The GNC continues to coordinate a FREE initiative called: “Keeping our Seniors Healthy in 2024”. Through this initiative Perth Amboy Housing Authority- Senior-aged residents in the Gateway will now have the opportunity every other month to meet with the Rutgers University students of “APSEA” (American Preventative Screening and Educations Association) program and they will help monitor health issues. The students use a database to help guide the Senior's activities, eating habits, and exercise to help monitor their physical health at no cost to our residents. Screenings like, Blood pressure monitoring, Glucose Testing, and Body Mass Index.

Our impact this year has changed our community!

  • Contributed in scholarships to public housing & section 8 participants.


  • Annually contributes to fund self-sufficiency, housing counseling, and financial literacy education.


  • In escrow funds. In 2022, we had 83 FSS program participants and graduated 7.
