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Artist Listing Bios

Julie Gallagher

Perth Amboy Artist Listing

Julie Gallagher (Painting)

Artist bio/statement:

As a child I have always loved making representational images. I have a fascination with nature and with becoming as good as the old masters. My favorite artists include, but are not limited to, Sargent, Velazquez, Thomas Cole, Desiderio, and Tim O’Brien. I love landscape, still life, figure, animals, but portraiture especially. I wish to enter a rigorous program to enhance my technical skill, but also broaden my knowledge of concept and metaphor and what I can contribute to the art world.





phone: (908) 707-9253

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Our impact this year has changed our community!

  • Contributed in scholarships to public housing & section 8 participants.


  • Annually contributes to fund self-sufficiency, housing counseling, and financial literacy education.


  • In escrow funds. In 2022, we had 83 FSS program participants and graduated 7.
